“ xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' ” 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 | kalyanipharmaceuticals

Thursday, July 30, 2009

ivig sale boost

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i've noticed that due to heavy showers during this month sale of ivig had been boosted ,getting frequent inquires from doctors,hospitals.one amazing miracle i noticed in one patient that,earlier he was admitted in hospital complained about bleeding from his mouth while he was brushing,then he had blood patches over all his body.His wbc count had come down to 5,000,doctors had prescribed a total dose of 125gms of ivig .But the next day reports were showing miracle figures his wbc count gone up to 50,000 and doctors cancelled the dose of ivig .Now he is on normal saline treatment.

methylprednisolone is under dpco control ,mrp of all brands of methylprednisolone has come down and sales are boosting .

sales of filgrastim is going up more and more patients are on" filgrastim"

i've noticed that due to heavy showers during this month sale of ivig had been boosted ,getting frequent inquires from doctors,hospitals.one amazing miracle i noticed in one patient that,earlier he was admitted in hospital complained about bleeding from his mouth while he was brushing,then he had blood patches over all his body.His wbc count had come down to 5,000,doctors had prescribed a total dose of 125gms of ivig .But the next day reports were showing miracle figures his wbc count gone up to 50,000 and doctors cancelled the dose of ivig .Now he is on normal saline treatment.

methylprednisolone is under dpco control ,mrp of all brands of methylprednisolone has come down and sales are boosting .

sales of filgrastim is going up more and more patients are on" filgrastim"

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